Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fiction Comics Universe, published and upcoming titles


Fiction Comics India deserves praise for its prolific publication of diverse comics featuring a multitude of characters and genres within just a few years. 

While Fiction Comics has made significant strides in publishing diverse comics, there is always room for improvement, particularly in enhancing the quality of storytelling.


Monday, April 22, 2024

कॉमिक्स के पार्सल... - शिवांश भटनागर

शिवांश भटनागर के विचार - "सच में। क्या दिन थे वो भी जब ऐसे हरे पीले नीले पार्सल भारतीय डाक से घर पर आया करते थे। एक अलग ही फीलिंग थी, राजकॉमिक्स साइट से मनपसंद कॉमिक्स की छटनी करना, उन्हें ऑर्डर करना फिर पलकें बिछा कर उनका इंतजार करना। मैं हर सेट राजकॉमिक्स साइट से ही ऑर्डर करता था, क्योंकि तब कोई दूसरा ऑनलाइन सेलर भी नही था। मैने अपने आप से पहले बार अगर ऑनलाइन पेमेंट करके  कुछ मंगाया तो वो कॉमिक्स ही थी। 2009 में पहली बार ऑर्डर किया जिसमें अमेजिंग फ्रेंड्स ऑफ नागराज की कॉमिक्स थी योद्धा के स्वर्ग पात्र सीरीज के साथ जो की मैने चाचा के क्रेडिट कार्ड से मंगाई थी। उसके बाद कई सालो तक मनी ऑर्डर से कॉमिक्स मंगाई, ये भी एक अलग ही कारनामा था, पोस्ट ऑफिस जाके मनी ऑर्डर करना और फिर उसकी रसीद राजकॉमिक्स को भेजना जिसके बाद वो ऑर्डर स्टेटस कंफर्म कर देते थे। 2013 तक ऐसे किया और उसके बाद बैंक अकाउंट खुलवा कर खुदका कार्ड लिया और तबसे ऑनलाइन पेमेंट करना शुरू किया। ये सिलसिला 2019 तक चला बालचरित की लास्ट कॉमिक एंड गेम के प्री ऑर्डर तक। उसके बाद ये साइट हमेशा हमेशा के लिए बंद हो गई पर वो यादें, ऑर्डर शिप होने के बाद डाकिए की राह देखने की, जीवन भर के लिए रह गईं हैं।"

Monday, April 15, 2024

CodeName Alpha 97 and Variyaan Book 1 Set to Hit Shelves!


CodeName Alpha 97 (CNA 97) and Variyaan Book 1 are set to launch, with shipping starting on April 23rd after the Mumbai Comic Con event.

Book your copy of CNA 97 now and receive Variyaan issue 1 for FREE—but act fast, as this offer ends tomorrow night!


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Artwork - Upcoming Comic (Pigeon)


Work in Progress, Pigeon - Upcoming comic from #comicwheel 

Story : Harinder Tyagi 

Artwork : Uttam Chand

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Celebrating India's 77th Independence Day in Superheroic Style!


In a stunning fusion of patriotism and comic book passion, Sanket Rajawat stole the show on India's 77th Independence Day. Dressed as the Indian superhero "Tiranga," Sanket's tricolor costume mirrored the flag's hues, embodying unity, courage, and growth.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Comics Characters League by ICUFC Group Update After 20 Matches

 Indian Comics Universe Fan Club - Comics Character League! As the event unfolds, fans will have the power to influence the outcomes by casting their votes in each one-on-one clash. This engaging voting process will decide which heroes, sidekicks, and villains advance, creating an exhilarating competition that celebrates the best of Indian and foreign comics. No team is safe from elimination even after 20 matches. Team 5 (Sachin Kumar) now leads the table owing to his vote share percentage. Team 1 (Prakash Sharma) and Team 7 (Prahalad Dubey) were unlucky in the early stages but can still make a comeback.



Comics Characters League -  CCL Stats, Info, and Tables


Monday, June 19, 2023

Arc Comics Expands Its Universe with Detective Abhiraj


In an exciting announcement, Arc Comics management took to social media platforms to reveal their plans for expanding their comic book universe. After nearly a year of captivating readers with their stories, the comic publisher unveiled their latest addition to the superhero roster, Detective Abhiraj.

The post highlighted the journey of Arc Comics, which began when a passionate comics fan decided to share their own stories and construct a unique universe. The foundation of this universe was laid with the release of "The Ghost Planet," leaving readers eager for more. Responding to the enthusiasm, Arc Comics introduced two popular heroes through the Unwanted series, both of whom were embraced by fans.

Phase 1 of Arc Comics boasts an impressive lineup of superheroes, as unveiled in the post. Among them are Satyaraj, an enigmatic character with mysterious origins; Aksh Mathur, a hero whose abilities and motivations are yet to be unveiled; Anirudhh Malhotra, whose powers and role in the universe are shrouded in secrecy; Sanki, a force to be reckoned with; and Maharathi, a formidable character whose strength knows no bounds.

The stunning artwork and vibrant colors bringing these superheroes to life are attributed to the talented artist, Manish S Mittal.
